my fav kind of lunch

chickpeas are one of my favourite, besides nuts and beans. yes i love them, and that’s the reason why i loveeee hummus and falafel. Since I am in the Kingdom, i can easily find hummus in the store where there is one large section that sells all kids of cheese, fresh baked, hummus, olives and salad.

So here are my favourite lunch, homemade falafel dip with hummus and arabic bread is a must. Falafel is easy to make, you just need to soak the chickpeas overnight and pour them together with chopped onion, garlics, parsley,cumin, salt, flour, coriander and pepper in the food processor, process until desired mixture. roll them into balls and deep fry with medium heat.

I’ll definitely try to make hummus one day for sure. đŸ™‚

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