The muffins


They always made my day. But sometimes those silly actions, giggles, non stops talking, crawling around me, irritates me :p But I love them nevertheless !

Maryam on the other side, has grown up alot, she is no longer a baby that she has her own preference, independent and reliable. Love u too munchkin. 

Dr Seuss 

My kids love Dr Seuss books. They always pick Dr Seuss for us to read to. I think the silly rhymes and weird looking illustration (sometimes it looks scary to me!)  appeal to them.

I love his writing too, which inspire the kids to think creatively.

One of my favourite quote is “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” from his book I Can Read with My Eyes Shut. 

Aisyah and her 101 stories 


Aisyah has been refused to go to school for a week over, and made up a lot of stories and reasons, which hard for me to believe, one of the reason is that she felt so strange at school and how her brain can see the devil that really scared me at first. She keep begging me not to send her to school, like every minutes that make me totally worn out so I decided to homeschool her. She’s doing good and Maryam is happy to have her sister around. 

Pancake Friday

 I always look forward to Fridays, a weekend that I don’t have to worry about homeschooling, husband at home and I can cook family favourite dishes, without rushing in between. I love pancakes,  and the whole family love it too. 

We enjoyed watching  ‘Honey I Shrunk the Kids’, my all time favourite movie.